We had a lot of problems with belt slippage at 18 pounds or more of boost with the Whipple 10 rib belt system. Steve went back to the drawing board and fabricated a cog drive from a combination of parts he developed and the cog drive off of a Procharger setup. The result was the most awesome looking setup you could imagine.
Installing the cog we were also able to separate the blower drive from the accessory drive so throwing a blower belt no longer meant you were stuck out in the country of the belt failed. The accessory drive would get you home. We added a 50 shot of Nitrous, more to cool the internal air Temperatures (IATs). The T56 finally wouldn’t hold the 23 lbs of boost. We got a high output of 969 rwhp and 1110 rwtq with this setup. We converted the motor to run alcohol and added a TH400 transmission.

Fabricated Cog Drive from ATi Procharger

Cog with Belt Mounted

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