468 6-71 blown BBC the car I really would rather own
In 1964-65 Alan Hicks had the baddest 55 Chevrolet in Knoxville Tennessee. He rebuilt the 327 Hi performance motor in Mr. Kelley’s Auto shop and even let some of us lower class members touch the motor. It was an awesome experience. Larry Bryant lived on the same street as me and had the most beautiful 56 Chevrolet ever built. I used to stand at the bus stop going to Powell every day and watch Larry drive by. He always waved. Bill Perry who lived on Lafayette Drive in Pleasant Ridge had a brand new 1966 Impala SS 396. Jimmy Churchill had a 1965 Red GTO. Dick Harmon had a really good looking 1962 Bubble top impala. I cannot remember who it was but someone else had a really nice 1961 Impala. The whole point of this is that these are the things my dreams were made of It always seemed as if those things in life would reward me with a feeling of excitement and accomplishment. Tonight I stopped at a local car get together I had not been to in years.This 55 Chevy caught my eye. Even though Alan’s was purple I immediately thought of his car. This 55 puts 700 to the wheels, has a perfect stance and is one of the most solid builds I have ever seen. Periodically I run across a car like this and really appreciate the work that has went into it. For now, this represents a league I will never play in though so I will continue to appreciate other people’s work from afar. Hopefully I can finish what I am working on and part it out or trade it for a real car.

468 6-71 blown BBC the car I really would rather own

280Z with LS2
This is a fun car, weighing in at less tha 3200 lbs with a modern LS2 topped with LS3 heads and intake or top end.

Beautiful early model Nova with Small Block Chevy and twin 52mm Turbos