Precision Turbos, brand new from Manufacturer
Perhaps the largest disappointment I have ever encountered is the poor quality and service from Precision Turbochargers. We bought two PTE 6266 units over a year ago thinking that they were the best technology and most reliable on the market. One failed the first time on the dyno and customer service refused to even discuss backing the product up.
The shop bought a replacement and the other one failed right before our track day attempt to dial the car in. The third failure occurred as we pulled out of the track to head home, literally after 4 passes. We replaced that turbo and made one dyno pull and found the engine ruined. The shop had about a half dozen Precision units installed on other cars and they soon began to fail as well. We sent the bad unit back and apparently the shop was able to get a warrantied return on it. I contacted Reed Partridge at Works Turbocharger to see what he could do for me. We sent the units to him and he pulled them apart to evaluate them. The brand new unit we had received was completely out of tolerances and the other unit that had held the longest was in danger of imminent failure. Reed suggested that one more dyno pull would have probably been the end of it, catastrophically.

Procharger A to A Intercooler
The solution was for Reed to completely replace the bearing housings and the bearings with higher qualityPrecision Turbos, brand new from Manufacturer material and to rebalance and reset the tolerances on both units to a workable solution. He replaced the disappointing Precision material with good quality bearing products. Hopefully we will get to see how effective this was soon.
The high point in all this was when they were working, the Precision units worked well and the little 62 mm turbos made 1145 to the rear wheels through a slipping stall, TH400, and Ford 9 inch IRS. Those are stout numbers. IN fact a lot of the shop’s better customers cam back to redo things they had other shops do to make that kind of power. It started a mini horsepower race among the customers. Currently a CTSV has over 1500 rwhp but we will soon get our setup out and hope to be at 1400+. Right now we are studying purchasing new turbos (bigger) or just staying with what we have and seeing what we have got.
Cold side piping
Cold side from the bottom
Cold Side Piping
Cold Side Piping
Cold side Piping
Intercooler settup
Hot Side – Driver side view
Hot Side – Passenger side view
Hot side Down Pipe
Downpipe connection to exhaust
402 LQ9 Twin Turbo Setup
Back from Reed
LSx 434 Twin Turbo Setup
1145/1269 Dyno